Closing Date Extended Western Province Government Teaching Vacancies 2021
Open Competitive Examination for the Recruitment of Graduates for Grade 1 (A ) of Class 3 Vacancies of the Sri Lanka Teachers’ Service in Provincial Council Schools in the Western Province-2021/2022
மேல் மாகாண பாடசாலைகளில் இலங்கை ஆசிரியர் சேவையின் வகுப்பு 3 (அ) ஆசிரிய வெற்றிடங்களுக்கு பட்டதாரிகளை இணைத்துக்கொள்வதற்கான திறந்த போட்டிப் பரிட்சை – 2021/2022
Required Qualification
i. Should have obtained a degree related to the subjects specified in the schedule 01 awarded by a University recognized by the University Grants Commission or by a Graduate Awarding Institute recognized by the University Grants Commission, belonging to specialized fields recognized for teaching purposes. This degree should be effective before the closing date of application. And
ii. Should have passed six( 6) subjects with three (3) credits with passes for Sinhala language and mathematics in not more than two attempts at the General Certificate of Education (Ordinary Level) Examination.(At least 05 Subjects should have been passed in one attempt) And
iii. Should have passed General Certificate of Education (Advanced Level) with 03 subjects in one sitting.
Gazette Notice Tamil | Sinhala | English |
Online Application Apply Now |
Closing Date 15.07.2021 |
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