Advanced Certificate in Pre-school Education 2021/2022 Open University of Sri Lanka

Calling Applications for Advanced Certificate in Pre-school Education 2021/2022

Conducted by Open University of Sri Lanka (OUSL)

This programme is designed to assist those engaged in the education and care of young children to advance their knowledge in the Principles of Child Development. It also attempts to create awareness of the issues related to the early years of childhood with special emphasis on Sri Lankan children and to sensitize child care givers to Values and Ethics related to Child Development in the present socio-cultural context.

This programme will be conducted in Sinhala, Tamil and English at the Colombo Regional Centre (Nawala) and Kandy Regional Centre. It will also be conducted at the following centers, only if a sufficient number of students are registered: Matara Regional Centre (Sinhala) & Jaffna Hatton Regional/Study Centres (Tamil).

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More Details (OUSL Course Page)
Online Application (Link)
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Closing Date
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